Feedback is essential for growth and multi-directional feedback gives a holistic perspective of your strengths and growth opportunities.
Feedback received in the report is invaluable for generating robust, open and honest development discussions. Development opportunities are easily identified with a clear understanding of how improvements will benefit themselves, their team and the business.
Implementing a 360 degree feedback process into the business:
- Drives greater self-awareness amongst team members and leaders
- Clarifies behaviours that are desired in the business, the culture and the leadership
- Provides a measure of “how” things get done, which is often overlooked, as opposed to “what” gets done
- Promotes conversation and discussion amongst team members
- Enables a mutually beneficial exchange between people which improves working relationships
- Encourages personal development by fostering a growth mindset
- Increases accountability for performance by removing ambiguity and vagueness in typical performance discussions
- Boosts engagement which leads to improved performance
People tend to rate themselves lower than how their peers and other colleagues tend to see them. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that people think higher of you than you think of yourself? This realisation tends to drive more confidence in what you’re doing.
Our 360 Degree Feedback tool enables individuals to receive targeted and valuable feedback around three capability areas:
- The ability to lead yourself: your ability to focus, take action, and excel at what you do
- The ability to lead others: your ability to engage others, help them grow, and be influential
- The ability to lead the business: your ability to drive the business, achieve results and inspire others
This is such a valuable tool to include your performance and development framework to enrich the quality of conversation that can occur around HOW someone is performing in their role to enable targeted development opportunities to be identified and implemented.
Sample pages displayed below from our 360 Degree Feedback Report: